| Semester 1 | Semester 2 |
Hifth | - Revision Surah
- Revision Duaa
- Assessments
- Perfecting Articulation
- Surah Al- Baqarah (Kalimah)
- Surah Al- Baqarah Duaas in Salah
- Ayatul Kursi
- Duaa when entering home
- Surah Baqarah Ayah 284
| - Surah Tawbah Ayah 128
- Surah Tawba Ayah 129
- Duaa Khatmul Qur’an
- Surah Al Ahzaab Ayah 40
- Surah Al Ahzaab Ayah 56
- Surah Ad- Duha
- Duaa Isaalu- Thawaab
- Revision
Seerah | - Summary on Seerah of The Prophet SAW
- Birth / Migration to Abyssinia
- Courage & Bravery
- Wisdom
- Summary on Hamzah RA
- Summary on Umar RA
- Love, mercy & Compassion
- Summary The battle of Trench
- Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
- Battle of Hunayn
- Keeping promises
- Expedition of Tabuk
| - The passing of the Prophet SAW
- Miracles of Prophet Ibrahim AS
- Miracles of Prophet Musa AS
- Miracles of Prophet Issa AS
- Miracles of prophet Muhammad SAW
- The Holy Qur’an
- Israa & Mi’raaj
Fiqh/Aqeedah | - Tawheed in Kalimah Tayyibah
- Tawheed in Surah IKhlaas
- Allah is the maker of everything
- Allah is the provider
- What is Islaam
- Who are Muslims
- 5 pillars of Islaam
- 5 of Allah’s attributes
| - Importance of Tahaarah (cleanliness)
- Waajib
- Sunnah
- Sunnah mu’akkadah/Ghayr mua’kkadah
- Halaal & Haraam
- Respect the Holy Qur’an
- 5 of Allah’s attributes
- Islamic calendar
- Link A’mal and Imaan
- Conditions of Salah