While keeping Allah SWT in our hearts and minds as well as the hereafter, in a secure Islamic environment, we put down the groundwork for our students by our way of good examples and appropriate Islamically oriented education to the highest expectations, so that the student can grasp their place as an essential part of Multicultural Australia; as the self-assured, contributing Muslims, United together by Islam, as revealed by the Holy Quran and according to the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
General Information
- Absences
- Pick up and drop off
- Late Arrivals
- Complaints
- Enrolling
- Lost Property
- Sponsorship/Donations
- Parent Teacher Meetings
- Special Needs
Islamic Ahklaaq (Manners)
Every month a different key to success and good manners will be introduced to the students for their practice. Our educators regularly speak with their students about these values. It is our hope that this whole Madrasah approach will help our students to always be their very best behaviour.
Arriving at Madrasah on time
It is vitally important that students arrive at Madrasah on time.
This is another good habit for the children to practice and develop their sense of punctuality and responsibility.
Arriving late to class causes disruption for peers and the teacher.
Madrasah Attire
Students must be dressed in modest clothes, ready to perform prayers and to respect their presence in a Masjid.
Boys: Jubbah or long pants. (no caps, tracksuits, or shorts)
Girls: Abaaya, Hijab, or long loose dress.
No make up to be worn.
It is vital for students to come to Madrasah with their essentials of stationery such as (pens, notebooks, highlighters, etc.), moreover, most important to bring their books, Qur’ans or Qa’idah books.
The Madrasah does not provide daily stationery needs.
General Information
If a student is absent, parents are required to message administration. It is our duty of care to ensure that all students are safe. Continuous absences affect the learning progress considerably.
Pick up and drop off
If the student is in primary, it is compulsory for parents to drop them and pick them up in person from class, or an older sibling.
Secondary students can leave the class to meet their parents. Students are not to be dropped off or left at the Masjid unattended before class time. Similarly, for pick up time, parents must not be late for more than 15 min maximum to collect their child. Continuous late pick up will result in unnecessary fees.
Late Arrivals
If you child arrives late to Madrasah, they need to have a valid excuse. Continuous late arrivals may result of not allowing the student into class.
If your child has special circumstances for late arrival, administration must be notified.
If you have any concerns, complaints, or suggestions regarding your child’s education,
the Madrasah would like to hear about it. A problem can be solved if we are aware of it Please approach administration in person, email, or phone us and the matter will be raised to the appropriate staff member.
A Student Enrolment Form must be completed in full and signed by a parent or guardian. It is essential that administration have alternative telephone numbers in the event of accidents or illness.
A non-refundable registration fee of $25 per child is payable upon submission of the enrolment form.
Lost Property
It is important all stationery and belongings are clearly labelled with a permanent laundry marking pen. All lost property is stored in the Madrasah Office.
Unclaimed items will be donated to the Masjid.
To ensure the continuity of the Madrasah, we encourage parents who can, to sponsor a child or donate to resources and books.
Some students are unable to pay fees, and we need as Muslims to step us and ensure that we provide an Islamic education to all young Muslims regardless of their financial ability.
We never stop the learning of the Holy Qur’an due to financial difficulties, however we need the help of our community to continue this journey.
Kindly approach administration for further information.
Parent Teacher Meetings
These meetings are scheduled twice a year, once at the end of Semester one and another at the end of Semester two to discuss your child’s progress.
If you have any urgent concerns prior to the meetings, kindly approach your child’s teacher to arrange a meeting.
Special Needs
Parents are advised to talk to the Teacher and Principal about any special needs that may be required while the students attend Madrasah. Madrasah has limited resources and facilities to cater for special needs.
Student Behaviour
Our students must apply Islamic ethos and ethical principles when at Madrasah, uphold respect towards teachers and peers and abide by the teacher’s class guides.
Any behaviour outside our Madrasah values will not be tolerated. We ask parents to assist us to ensure a decent, Islamic, and fair attitude to all our students.
Students with repeated behaviour problems will be put on a behaviour contract.
Payment Policy
Fees are accepted termly, yearly or in instalments. You may discuss with administration your preferred way. Furthermore, Payments are accepted via bank transfer or cash.
Once your child applies and gets accepted at Madrasah, a spot is reserved for them, hence payments of all four terms must be paid unless a leave notice is approved by the principal.
Phone Policy
Phones are strictly not allowed into the classrooms. If a child must bring their phone along to communicate with parents, they must hand their phone prior to class to their teacher.
Parent Involvement Policy
Parents are not allowed to go inside the classrooms while teaching is in process. Parents are asked not to discuss their kids progress without booking a time ahead with the class teacher.
Bullying Policy
As-Salaam Institute takes bullying seriously and does not tolerate any form of it. All cases of bullying, which are reported, will be followed up. Members of the School community are encouraged to report bullying and can do so through several people:
- Parents
- Teachers
- Heads of Madrasah