| Semester 1 | Semester 2 |
Hifth | - Revision
- Etiquette of Duaa in Salah
- Duaa for entering / leaving the Masjid
- Surah An- Nasr
- Surah Quraysh
- Durood Ibrahim AS
- Surah Lahab
- Imaan Al Mujmal
- Imaan Al Mufassal
- Intention/ Niyyah for Salah
| - Duaa when becoming angry
- Duaa when hearing a dog barks
- At- Tahiyyat
- Surah Al Mau’n
- Surah Al Feel
- Duaa in Salah
- Tasbeeh
- Sequence of Salah
- Imaan Al Mujmal
- Imaan Al Mufassal
Seerah | - Prophet Muhammad SAW Introduction
- Prophet Muhammad SAW birth
- Prophet Muhammad SAW Childhood
- Prophet Muhammad SAW Boyhood
- Trip to Syria
- Placing of the black Stone
- The first Muslims
- The first believers
- Jabal Al Safa
| - Reaction of Makkans
- Story of Bilal RA
- Migration to Abyssinia
- Prophet Adam AS
- Revision
Fiqh/Aqeedah | - Tawheed in Kalimah Tayyibah
- Tawheed in Surah IKhlaas
- Allah is the Creator
- Allah is aware of everything
- Why we pray to Allah only
- Allah is the protector
- 5 pillars of Islaam
- 5 of Allah’s attributes
| - Importance of Tahaarah ( cleanliness)
- Cleanliness of the environment
- Cleanliness of the clothes
- 5 major impurities
- 3 Nawaaqid of Wudhu
- 5 of Allah’s attributes
- Etiquettes of using the toilet
- Benefits of Salah
- Names of 5 daily prayers