| Semester 1 | Semester 2 |
Hifth | - Revision Surah
- Revision Duaa
- Assessments
- Perfecting Articulation
- Surah Al- A’diyyah
- Surah Al-Inshiraah
- Duaa after burial
- Duaa filling the grave with soil
- Intention for Janaazah
- Duaa Janaazah (Kids)
| - Duaa Janaazah (Adults)
- Duaa Qunoot
- Duaah Laying deceased to rest
- Duaa when visiting the sick
- Duaa when entering the grave yard
- Surah Al-Bayyinah
- Revision
Seerah | - Trustworthiness
- Love & Mercy
- Patience& perseverance
- Justice
- The battle of Badr
- The battle of Uhud
- The battle of Trench
- Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
- Letters of invitation
- The expedition of Khaybar
| - Prophet SAW revision
- The battle of Badr
- The battle of Uhud
- The battle of Trench
- Treaty of Hudaybiyah
- Letters of invitation
- The expedition of Khaybar
- The battle of Mu’tah
- The battle of Hunayn
- The expedition of Tabuk
Fiqh/Aqeedah | - Tawheed in Kalimah Tayyibah
- Tawheed in Surah IKhlaas
- Allah is the maker of everything
- Allah is the provider
- What is Islaam
- Who are Muslims
- 5 pillars of Islaam
- 5 of Allah’s attributes
| - Importance of Tahaarah ( cleanliness)
- Waajib
- Sunnah
- Sunnah mu’akkadah/ Ghayr mua’kkadah
- Halaal & Haraam
- Respect the holy Qur’an
- 5 of Allah’s attributes
- Islamic calendar
- Link A’mal and Imaan
- Conditions of Salah